Monday, October 2, 2017

Void and Shore

For someone . . .

How could I go along this dreary world?
Without you, my thirst is high.
My hunger heightened.
You are elsewhere, while I stare off.

Void, nothing.
I cannot see you . . .
You are lost.
Lost in your own blissful abyss.

I starve for your attention.
I want your love.
Too late.

You push me out of your whirlpool,
My boat forever afloat.
I never thought it'd be like this.
I'm away from you, away from you.

You spiral down.
I drift farther away.
I can't take your pain away . . .
Though it will always be with me.

I bid you farewell, darling.
I hope you make it to shore one day again.

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